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Fast Cash JumpStart Session!

Grab My FREE Secret Sauce to Success in
Wholesaling Real Estate
12 Steps to Closing Your 1st Deal with
Very Little CASH or Credit
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Modern White House

The Queen of Wholesaling Houses!

LaShannon White

The Full Story

My story... I started out in the real estate business with no experience just like you. Believe it or not at the time I started no one in my local area was willing to share their experience freely on how they started in Wholesaling   Real Estate. 


All I wanted was a better life for myself and my family just like you. A the time I couldn’t even pay for my daughter now 19 to go to her dance classes. I felt really defeated and unworthy I had to find a way out of my situation fast! 


One night I was up watching late night infomercials and these two guys came on talking about real estate. They were sharing their story on how much money they earned wholesaling houses! I sat there in amazement watching and listening to these guys, while telling myself that what I was hearing was too good to be true!​

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I had never known anyone to make $5000 in less than 30 days!!! I was willing to step out on faith and try my hand at wholesaling houses, because I had nothing to lose. I was already broke anyway. The number suddenly flashed across the TV screen. I dialed that number so fast and spoke to the live operator. I told her I was ready to CHANGE MY LIFE!!!  I immediately signed up and was on my way!! Nothing to LOSE!! 


My first deal landed me a big fat check for $3000.00! Yes that's right!!! $3000. My 2nd deal was not as difficult because I was able to get the course and receive  the training I needed to make the transaction smooth. I made my first $ 5000! After my 2nd deal there was no stopping me! I went on to my 3rd deal and by that point I was hooked for life! I was on my way to creating the life style and FREEDOM that this Real Estate business had to offer me! So, if you think you can you can!


Since then I’ve closed over 80 deals and I am currently an active Real Estate Investor in todays market! I credit my success to my local REIA and my desire to be a student of this business. You must never stop learning and always have mentors and coaches in your life.


Real Estate will and can change your life! Just as it did for me! Now both my daughters have a full-time mom who can support them every step of the way as they grow and develop into successful young ladies.


Now, Speaker, A Real Estate Investor, Wealth Building Success Coach, Podcast Creator /Host and a Serial Entrepreneur.  I totally enjoy and love my Real Estate Lifestyle and totally enjoy the Freedom of being an Entrepreneur. I help other passionate and determined women  Dream Bigger to create their own Dream Real Estate Empire. I look forward to working with you!  

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